Valerie Nuvayestewa
is Hopi/Tewa, Corn clan, from the village of Tewa. She currently works as a Diabetes Prevention Educator for the Hopi Tribe’s, Department Of Health and Human Services, Special Diabetes Program. Valerie leads and implements diabetes prevention and educational functions/activities for the local schools and works to improve and strengthen services for community wellness programs. Her unique background pulls from her experiences growing up with a traditional lifestyle on the Hopi reservation where she incorporates Hopi knowledge and nutrition with diabetes education in the local schools and the surrounding communities.
Valerie is an alumnus of the Hopi Foundations’, Hopi Leadership Program (HLP) which was designed to grow strong, effective and culturally grounded professionals at Hopi by using a model based on Hopi culture and western education. She has received certifications in Diabetes education and is a Native Youth Fitness trainer and Health Coach. Valerie is also a current Community Advisory Board (CAB) member for the Natwani Coalition, a non-profit group that helps support agricultural sustainability in the Hopi community; she is a member of the Hopi Food Co-op, The Hopi/Tewa Women’s Coalition and the Unite to End Violence-Native Women’s Empowerment Group.